About Me

Solving Problems in communities is most important to me because it makes communities better places to live.

My core skills

Web development skills

software sketch

I use figma to present website wireframes and mockups


I use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to describe the webpages interms of structure, visual presentation like layout, colours and fonts, and interactivity respectively.

I have also used the MERN stack which comprises of MongoDB, Express, React and Node.js. It is a Javascript Stack that is used for easier and faster deployment of full-stack web applications.

Bootstrap framework

To create responsive, mobile-friendly websites that display flawlessly on any device.

Git and Github

Git is a version control system that enables me to keep track of all changes made to my code and Github is the hosting service for my git repository enabling teamwork and collaborative projects.

Python Language

I have used Pyton in data analysis to extract useful information from data and make the decision based upon the data analysis through cleaning the data and modeling it into diagrams like pie charts, histograms, bar graphs.

I have also used pyton in terms of Python fundamentals, Object-Oriented programming, Data Structures and algorithms

My Work


I have designed an online school booking system using MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS and NodeJS called Schotrix which is a flexible scheduling solution allowing institutions to book and schedule appointments.


I participated in the Women In Fintech hackathon Uganda organised by HiPipo in collaboration with Mojaloop , Level One Project and Include Everyone where we are bringing together business and finance and our Team is working on a product called Alfasente.

Mentorship Club

I designed a responsive school club website using HTML, CSS an Javascript

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